Last Updated 1/2024
The 藏精阁 Library Collection Development Policy sets forth the principles which guide the selection, evaluation, and deselection of Library resources. The purpose of this policy is to provide a written statement of the Library's objectives in building its collection. This policy provides a solid guideline by defining the reason for collecting specific resources for the needs of the various academic programs on campus. It is also the purpose of this policy to communicate these objectives and procedures clearly to all members of the University community, including Library staff, faculty, students, administrators, and others, to foster a clear understanding of the current nature of the Library and to aid in planning the future development of its resources.
藏精阁 is a metropolitan university with downtown Chicago and suburban Schaumburg campuses. The University offers distance education classes online and, in some cases, provides dual degree programs with other universities.
The university consists of four colleges:
The university offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees. In addition it offers various certificate and non-credit courses.
The clientele served by the Library consists of all students actively enrolled in the university, alums, and all faculty members and staff employed by the university. The 藏精阁 student body is a diverse group consisting of a cross-section of people of different ages, races, genders, and nationalities. The university employs over 200 full-time tenured faculty members and many part-time adjunct instructors. The university also employs many support staff at the administrative and clerical levels.
In addition to this local community, the Library serves several larger communities through its affiliations with various consortia and state and national organizations. The largest consortium the Library is part of is CARLI (Consortium of Research Libraries in Illinois).
The 藏精阁 Library enhances student success and lifelong learning by providing access to quality resources supporting the curriculum and teaching users to appropriately and effectively locate, evaluate and use information.
Responsibility for selecting library materials is shared between the librarians and the faculty. However, the ultimate responsibility of material selection and developing a solid collection rests with the Director of Libraries. While faculty members are experts in their particular field, the library staff is better placed to maintain the collection balance across all subject areas. Establishing effective two-way communication channels between the librarians and the faculty is essential for successful collection development.
To prevent dilution of the Library's fiscal resources, duplicate copies of circulating books will not be purchased. Exceptions may be made for specific titles that exhibit heavy or continual use or for large university or library events such as the American Dream Conference or the One Book, One University program.
Since the university is a multi-campus institution, judicious duplication of titles, whether journals, books, or other materials, may be necessary to serve the communities at all university locations, library patrons are highly encouraged to use the consortium catalog for unavailable items.
To fulfill its mission, the Library aims to provide access to resources of the highest possible quality. The Library does not attempt to amass vast collections of all possible materials on all potential subjects. Instead, it obtains the most valuable sources of information available on topics of demonstrable relevance to the mission of the University. Though quantity is essential (the collection must be large enough to support the needs of our student body, faculty, etc.), quality matters most.
The library鈥檚 primary responsibility is to support the curriculum of the University by obtaining the materials students need in its undergraduate and graduate programs. Because more extensive research is required on the graduate level, research materials of greater depth are obtained in those fields where graduate degrees are awarded. The Library also accepts materials needed to support faculty teaching in all programs offered by the University. Materials required solely for the personal research needs of individual faculty members may be obtained to a limited degree; careful consideration will be given to the relationship of the materials to the curriculum, their expense, the likelihood that they will be of any future use as permanent additions to the Library's collection, and their availability elsewhere. As the Chicago metropolitan area is one of the wealthiest regions in the world, it is expected that many faculty research needs will be met through partner libraries鈥 collections either through our agreements with other I-Share academic libraries or through our agreements with other I-Share academic libraries or interlibrary loan.
In recognition of its role as a general cultural resource for the campus community, and its duty to provide for the well-rounded education of its students by giving them access to all the significant works of human thought and achievement, the Library collects materials representing diverse cultural traditions. In addition, the Library selects some materials outside the scope of the University's curriculum. Such materials are chosen very selectively, the primary consideration being their value as an introduction to an important area of human endeavor.
The following general criteria are considered in the selection of materials:
While the library is grateful to be considered a gift repository, gifts are carefully evaluated for their potential usefulness to the library鈥檚 mission; they must primarily support the university curriculum or archives. Donors are asked to submit a list of gift materials, including titles and publication dates for library donations or a deed of gift for the University Archives. The University also has a gift & donation policy the Library must adhere to.
Additional criteria for gifts retention are as follows:
The Performing Arts Library will accept gifts only after carefully evaluating their potential usefulness to the library鈥檚 mission, and they must primarily support the university curriculum. All materials accepted as a gift will become the property of the library. The following restrictions apply:
For further information, please call Thom Jencks, Performing Arts Librarian at (312) 341-3648.
The Library will primarily collect materials published in the English language. The Performing Arts Library will acquire significant curriculum materials published in other major European languages. Other appropriate materials will be collected in languages offered as majors or minors.
All materials on reserve must comply with the regulations in the Copyright Law, Title 17, U.S. Code. It is the responsibility of faculty members to acquaint themselves with the copyright law since, under the law, anyone copying materials are liable for what is copied. The Library is responsible for the monitoring copyright compliance of Reserves materials and, as such, has outlined the following guidelines for both printed and electronic documents, which must be adhered to (materials that do not adhere to these rules will be refused):
For this document, copyrighted works include all print, electronic, and audiovisual content subject to copyright protection. When in doubt, assume a work is under copyright protection and permission is necessary for use. Certain content is not subject to copyright protection, including:
Fair use is encompassed within Section 107 of Copyright Law, which provides criteria for the limited use of copyrighted materials for teaching, learning, scholarship, criticism, commentary, and research.
The four factors that determine fair use or when permission is necessary are as follows:
Before placing materials on reserves or using the material in the classroom, instructors should determine if their intended use of that material falls under fair use. Because fair use analysis depends on the particular contexts of the intended use, there are no hard-and-fast rules for which materials, how many pages, or what situations are or are not fair use.
Many tools help you think through fair use when planning a curriculum. []
Materials may be placed on print or electronic reserve through the 藏精阁 Library.
Items that may be placed on reserve:
Items that may not be placed on reserve:
The 藏精阁 Library can assist faculty and staff with digitizing print or analog content for e-reserves and other coursework. However, library staff must comply with Copyright Laws. Below is a general list of materials the library can digitize for e-reserves without obtaining permission from copyright holders:
Materials RU Library can digitize for eReserves:
Permission must be sought from the copyright holder when:
Library staff will work with faculty to obtain permission from publishers, distributors, and other copyright holders on items. However, it is the responsibility of the faculty member or department to pay permission fees when they apply.
Questions about copyright, Fair Use or reserves may be addressed to the 藏精阁 Library Director.
Books: Generally, the Library needs six weeks鈥 notice to process Reserves materials. If the Library doesn't own books, they must be purchased. If the book is in-house, the reserve processing time is within 1-24 hours, except on weekends.
Articles: Faculty must submit their photocopied articles for Reserves to the Library two weeks before the items need to appear on Reserve.
Materials are on reserve in the Library, at the request of a faculty member, for those 藏精阁 students registered in the faculty member's class. The intention is to set aside particular materials on a restrictive basis for the faculty member's students so they can be assured of continued access. As soon as the class is over, the reserved materials are put back into the regular collections where anyone can access them.
Reserve materials cannot be borrowed from other libraries or students from other institutions. This is by the statement in Section V (D) of the ILLINET Online Library Resources Sharing Code. It is standard reserve policy in libraries that each institutional library provides its students with reserve materials.
Electronic reserves materials are password protected and may only be accessed by students in the respective courses.
Because of the significant cost incurred, the Library will only purchase copies of textbooks required for currently offered courses at the faculty鈥檚 request. Please allow three to five weeks for books to be ready when the Library needs to buy the item.
Audio materials are purchased for the general collection when faculty requests, for university or library events, or when merited for the university curriculum.
The circulation desks at all library locations will place faculty members' copies of audio materials on reserve for classes. However, the Library has minimal equipment available for listening to these materials.
The Library will not purchase computer software for circulation.
In addition to the General Selection Criteria, the following additional criteria apply to the selection of journals:
Electronic access to the full text of journal and newspaper articles will be provided mainly through subscriptions to aggregated journal or newspaper databases, whether supplied at no cost through state grants or purchased with library funds. For those purchased with library funds, preference will be given to those databases, which can be purchased at reduced cost through participation in consortia arrangements. The overlap of titles with current database subscriptions will be considered before a new database subscription is purchased. After purchase, usage statistics will help determine whether subscriptions should be renewed. Price increases will also be factored into renewal decisions.
All dissertations and theses completed in Fall 2007 or later will be submitted electronically through the student鈥檚 department. The department faculty chair will provide one unbound paper copy to the 藏精阁 Archives. This copy can be accessed by contacting the University Archivist.
Online access to dissertations and theses produced from 1997 to present is available via the Dissertations and Theses @藏精阁 database. One bound copy of past dissertations and theses, produced by university students from 1952 through August 2007, is housed in the Schaumburg Campus archives. These are bound archival copies for in-library use only.
The Performing Arts Library will continue to collect one print copy of all music theses and dissertations that are musical compositions.
Visual materials such as DVDs are purchased for the general collection when requested by faculty, for university or library events/programs, or when merited for the university curriculum. The Library also subscribes to many streaming media platforms, and these platforms are preferred. The streaming media platforms are annual subscriptions and pay-per-use and are considered for purchase annually based on cost-per-use analysis.
The Center for New Deal Studies holds a wealth of information on the New Deal. These include one of the largest book collections in the Midwest, a growing archival collection, the Ephemera Collections, New Deal Films and Videos, and photographs.
The book covers the Great Depression, New Deal, and World War II home front, including government source materials, memoirs, economic studies, periodicals, WPA studies, novels, propaganda, art, and photography.
There is also a growing archival collection of miscellany, including contemporary magazines and publications, sheet music, and unpublished studies of the New Deal.
The Center holds some 5,000 artifacts related to Franklin Delano 藏精阁. These include plaques, busts, political buttons, campaign textiles, toys, dolls, glass and tinware, china, paintings, and other artifacts.
This collection is not formally a part of the 藏精阁 Library's collection, although the Library staff administers it, and print items in the collection are cataloged in the Library's online book catalog. The Center for New Deal Studies has its separate Director, Advisory Board, and budget. See the Center for New Deal Studies for more information on its programs, services, and governance.
All policy decisions about future additions to this collection are determined by the Center and its Director and Advisory Board.
The photographs, items of memorabilia, and personal papers were gifts. The Center is not making any new purchases in these areas, though additional gifts are welcomed. Audiovisual materials, such as videos, are purchased on a case-by-case basis. The Center is not currently purchasing anything along these lines.
The only collection area in which purchases are made is books. The Center attempts to be inclusive in buying new books on the New Deal and acquisitions of many titles dealing with FDR and Eleanor 藏精阁. The Center has also purchased Works Progress Administration (WPA) documents from second-hand book dealers.
The 藏精阁 Archives collects materials related to 藏精阁, its faculty, staff, students, alumni, and its predecessor or related institutions and facilities (including, but not limited to, Central YMCA College, the Chicago Musical College, and the Auditorium Building and Theater).
The Archives collect materials relating to social justice, reflecting the history and mission of 藏精阁 of establishing a historic stance against discrimination and a commitment to social justice activism.
The archives collect materials relating to United States labor history, a reflection of the significant support and donations received from the national and local union and labor executives that contributed to the financial establishment of the university and the architectural renovations of the Auditorium Building for the library.
The archives also collect materials related to the New Deal, Franklin, and Eleanor 藏精阁, and the CND houses the Center for New Deal Studies collections.
Formats may include documents, books, publications, still images, moving images, sound recordings, artifacts, or electronic or digital records.
Special Collections refer to publications of a monographic nature (i.e., books) that meet the criteria above, including, but not limited to, faculty publications, alum publications, publications that are part of an enormous archival collection, and individual books that meet the criteria.
The Performing Arts Library will endeavor to collect materials related to the Chicago College of Performing Arts - faculty members and students. The Performing Arts Library collects western art music of all periods, jazz of all styles and periods, selective materials on blues and world music of the United States, particular materials on the theme of non-Western cultures, and very demanding materials on popular music.
The Performing Arts Library will also collect drama history and criticism, the history of world theatre, technical theatre (set design, lighting, stagecraft, production management), costume history and design, acting, directing, playwriting, and selective theater materials theatre of non-Western culture coverage as required or requested. Rare books and scores may be purchased selectively to supplement the existing collection.
Selective materials on dance history and criticism, and biography of dancers and choreographers, will also be considered for the Performing Arts Library.
The Library will collect one donated copy of faculty authored books for the University Archives which meet the following criteria:
A second donated copy of faculty-authored books will be placed in the general circulating collection if they meet the general selection criteria. The Library on the Chicago campus will have a running display of faculty-authored books.
Materials that are no longer useful in supporting a collection that is active and responsive to student, faculty, or university administration needs should be withdrawn.
The following factors may be considered when deselecting library materials:
Books and Journals
Local used bookstores may be contacted to review withdrawn materials to see if any of the materials are of any resale value. Withdrawn materials may also be offered to other libraries or faculty for their collections. Unwanted materials may be given to various literacy organizations or disposed of.
If a book meets current collection guidelines, it will be replaced.
If a decision has been made to replace a book with the same out-of-print edition, the library staff will consider acquiring it through second-hand vendors.
The 藏精阁 Library will protect the privacy and confidentiality of its users to the fullest extent possible within the guidelines provided by state and federal laws. The library agrees with the principle expressed in the - "We protect each library user's right to privacy and confidentiality concerning information sought or received and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted.1"
The State of Illinois has enacted a that states that "The registration and circulation records of a library are confidential information. Except under a court order, no person shall publish or make any information in such records available to the public.2"
The may supersede the above state law. Under this act, law enforcement agencies have been granted expanded powers to obtain library users鈥 records, including Internet use records. To get a court order, business records must only meet the relatively low standard of being relevant to an investigation.
藏精阁 Library supports the position of the American Library Association on intellectual freedom as stated in the Library Bill of Rights (see below). This statement says, "Intellectual freedom is the right of every individual to seek and receive information from all points of view without restriction. It provides access to all expressions of ideas through which any side of a question, cause, or movement may be explored. Intellectual freedom encompasses the freedom to hold, receive and disseminate ideas.""
藏精阁 Library further supports the Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights (see below) as set out by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL).
To implement the goals of the ALA and ACRL statements on intellectual freedom 藏精阁 librarians, in conjunction with the faculty, develop the library collection based on the instruction and research programs of the university. Materials that represent a variety of perspectives, both current and historical, are selected for all subjects, including those that may be considered controversial.
The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services.
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A strong intellectual freedom perspective is critical to the development of academic library collections and services that dispassionately meet the education and research needs of a college or university community. The purpose of this statement is to provide an interpretation of general intellectual freedom principles in an academic library setting and, in the process, raise consciousness of the intellectual freedom context within which academic librarians work. These principles should be reflected in all relevant library policy documents.
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The 藏精阁 Library belongs to Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries (CARLI) which is a cooperative organization with dozens of member libraries that promotes the sharing of library resources in Illinois. One of CARLI's major services is I-Share, the online book catalog which enables member libraries to effectively share library materials with each other. Another service is the coordination of discounted subscriptions to electronic databases through the Illinois Bibliographic Information Service (IBIS).
The terms of membership in CARLI require libraries to "provide continued primary support of local curriculum needs, and maintain library acquisitions at levels appropriate for the size, scope and mission of the institution."1 Each library is thus responsible for fully supporting its own university curriculum and should not rely on the use of the collections of other libraries or the use of interlibrary loan for any but a small percentage of needed resources.
1CARLI Membership Policies (
The 藏精阁 Library has been a member of OCLC for several years. OCLC is a nonprofit library service organization which has over 41,000 member libraries worldwide. OCLC offers services in cataloging, reference and resource sharing. Its reference and resource sharing services have the most import for this document.
OCLC's FirstSearch and interlibrary loan programs are integrated online services for reference, interlibrary loan, and document delivery which provides access to more than 70 electronic databases and 5.9 million full-text articles. A state sponsored grant provides free access to seventeen basic databases and the library also pays for access to 36 additional databases.
OCLC's Interlibrary Loan service allows the library to borrow and lend materials through an online network of libraries worldwide. This service greatly extends the access to materials that the library can provide for students and faculty members. On the other hand, the library must reciprocate and lend its materials to other libraries throughout the country.
Collection Depth Indicator Definitions
The collection depth indicators are numerical values that are used to describe a library's collecting activity levels and goals. The definitions of these codes or collection depth indicators were revised in 1996 and 1997 under the auspices of the Research Libraries Group, the Association of Research Libraries and WLN. The RLG Conspectus definitions include 5 collection depth indicators for collection description. The WLN Conspectus definitions include subdivisions to provide a total of 5 collection depth indicators to provide further distinction and clarity for small and medium size libraries. The 藏精阁 Library has chosen to use the expanded 5 point scale to indicate the desired collection level to which the library aspires to attain for each subject area.
The library does not intentionally collect materials in any format for this subject.
Collections that support minimal inquiries about this subject and include a very limited collection of general resources, including monographs and reference works. Periodicals directly dealing with this topic and in-depth electronic information resources are not collected.
The collection should be frequently and systematically reviewed for currency of information. Superseded editions and titles containing outdated information should be withdrawn. Classic or standard retrospective materials may be retained.
Collections that introduce and define a subject, indicate the varieties of information available elsewhere, and support the needs of general library users through the first two years of college instruction include:
The collection should be frequently and systematically reviewed for currency of information. Superseded editions and titles containing outdated information should be withdrawn. Classic or standard retrospective materials may be retained.
Limited collections of introductory monographs and reference tools that include:
Collections of general periodicals and a broader and more in-depth array of introductory monographs and reference tools that include:
This collection is sufficient to support the basic informational and recreational reading needs of an educated general public or students through the first two years of college.
Collections that provide information about a subject in a systematic way, but at a level of less than research intensity and support the needs of general library users through college and beginning graduate instruction include:
The collection should be systematically reviewed for currency of information and for assurance that essential and important information is retained, including significant numbers of retrospective materials.
Resources adequate for imparting and maintaining knowledge about the primary topics of a subject area that include:
This collection supports undergraduate courses, as well as the independent study needs of the lifelong learner.
Resources adequate for imparting and maintaining knowledge about more specialized subject areas which provide more comprehensive coverage of the subject with broader and more in-depth materials that include:
This collection supports upper division undergraduate courses.
Resources adequate for imparting and maintaining knowledge about all aspects of the topic which are more extensive than the intermediate level but less than those needed for doctoral and independent research that include:
This collection supports master's degree level programs as well as other specialized inquiries.
Collections that contain the major published source materials required for doctoral study and independent research include:
Collections in a specifically defined field of knowledge that strive to be exhaustive as far as is reasonably possible (i.e., "special collections"), in all applicable languages include:
Older material is retained and systematically preserved to serve the needs of historical research. A comprehensive level collection may serve as a national or international resource.
Interlibrary loan (often referred to as ILL) is an agreement among libraries to share materials by lending and borrowing items to one another. This service is intended to compliment and supplement the Library鈥檚 collection to meet the information and research needs of the registered 藏精阁 Library user.
The 藏精阁 Library is a member of OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) that provides the software, guidelines, maintenance, and network for libraries across the United States and the world. Library staff follows these guidelines set by OCLC that are based on the American Library Association Interlibrary Loan Code in which determines and governs all interlibrary loan transactions under the guidelines set by the State of Illinois Library. As such, the 藏精阁 Library participates in the when lending and receiving materials with other libraries, not part of the I-Share system, across the State of Illinois.
藏精阁 Library materials will be loaned to other libraries through interlibrary loan after they have been in the collection for sixty days or removed from the 鈥淣ew Books鈥 displays. This is to ensure equable access to new materials for registered 藏精阁 Library users. The loan period for interlibrary loan materials is 28 days. Materials loaned to other libraries can be renewed up to two times if no registered 藏精阁 Library user needs the item(s).
Materials not available to lend through interlibrary loan are videos, DVDs, CDs, newspapers, magazines, items on reserve, textbooks, local request items, course packets, software, equipment, reference materials, items in the university archives, or specialty/rare items. Library staff will not recall RU Library owned materials already checked out by another 藏精阁 Library or CARLI user for interlibrary loan. The 藏精阁 Library will not lend items internationally.
All registered 藏精阁 Library users may utilize interlibrary loan services. Interlibrary loan privileges are not available to alumni and non-藏精阁 community members. Interlibrary loan services are free to all 藏精阁 students, faculty, and staff members.
The 藏精阁 Library utilizes a software package maintained by OCLC named Tipasa to fulfill all interlibrary loan article requests and book requests that cannot be filled though I-Share. All 藏精阁 Library users must have an interlibrary loan account to request materials via Tipasa. To create an account, check a request status, view electronically delivered articles, or to renew items checked out through interlibrary loan, please visit:
Requested materials for interlibrary loan must be requested first through I-Share if available. (See ILDS Lending Policy) Library staff will deny interlibrary loan requests if the items are available through I-Share. If items are not available through I-Share, materials will always be requested first from local, state, and national libraries before sending the request internationally. Library staff cannot guarantee the time for filling a request and may cancel a request when all possible lending sources have been exhausted or no library is able to supply the material.
藏精阁 Library users will be notified via their 藏精阁 email address when items have arrived. All items are expected to be returned on time and in the same condition as received. Due dates and renewals are determined by the lending library, and 藏精阁 library staff do not have control over those lending policies.
藏精阁 Library users are responsible for paying all fees assessed by the lending library due to late, lost or damaged items. Additional interlibrary loan requests will not be accepted until these costs are paid in full. If Interlibrary Loan materials become 10 business days overdue then the patron will be suspended of all library privileges and a registration hold will be placed on their university account. Borrowing patrons are responsible for any and all overdue fees incurred due to overdue material. No overdue fines will be waived.
Interlibrary loan is a courtesy provided by the lending library and any conditions of use imposed by that library must be strictly observed. All items are subject to immediate recall by the lending library.
The 藏精阁 Library understands that the cost of textbooks is high. Although the Library does allow patrons to place ILL requests for certain required course reading material, we are unable to borrow required textbooks via Interlibrary Loan. Why?
The Interlibrary Loan Office will only request materials needed for scholarly research, and Interlibrary Loan staff reserve the right to cancel requests that do not fall into this category.
I-Share Lending and Borrowing Policy
The 藏精阁 Library is a member of a library resource sharing cooperative named the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI). The CARLI consortium is a network of academic libraries around the state of Illinois that share materials through a common catalog (I-Share) and library book delivery system (ILDS). Through the consortium, libraries routinely utilize the delivery system to share materials with each other when items are needed by their own registered users. The 藏精阁 Library participates in sharing and requesting materials with other CARLI libraries. This service is intended to compliment and supplement the 藏精阁 Library鈥檚 existing collection to meet the information and research needs of the registered 藏精阁 Library user.
藏精阁 Library materials will be loaned to other libraries through the I-Share cooperative after they have been in the collection for sixty days or removed from the 鈥淣ew Books鈥 displays. This is to ensure equable access to new materials for registered 藏精阁 Library users. The loan period for I-Share materials is 28 days. Materials loaned to other libraries can be renewed up to two times if no registered 藏精阁 Library user needs the item(s).
Materials not available to lend through interlibrary loan are videos, DVDs, newspapers, magazines, items on reserve, textbooks, course packets, software, equipment, reference materials, items in the university archives, or specialty/rare items. Library staff will not recall RU Library owned materials already checked out by another 藏精阁 Library user.
All registered 藏精阁 Library users may utilize ILDS services free of charge. I-Share privileges are not available to alumni and non-藏精阁 community members. All 藏精阁 Library users must have an I-Share account to request materials from participating libraries. To create an account, check a request status or to renew items checked out through I-Share, please visit:
Library staff cannot guarantee the time for filling a request. 藏精阁 Library users will be notified via their 藏精阁 email address (provided when signing up for an I-Share account) when items have arrived. Items requested via I-Share will be held at the circulation desk of the user鈥檚 choice for three weeks. Items on hold longer than three weeks will be returned back to their home libraries. All loaned items are expected to be returned on time and in the same condition as received. Lending libraries may charge for lost or damaged items. Due dates and renewals are determined by the lending library, and 藏精阁 library staff do not have control over those lending policies.
The 藏精阁 Library is part of the CARLI I-Share consortium that determines many of the circulation policies for materials borrowed and loaned out to other participating institutions. The scope of this schedule is to outline the circulation parameters for 藏精阁 Community members and CARLI reciprocal patrons borrowing or lending materials from the RU Library.
Library privileges are extended to following valid (currently registered) patron type:
Item | Checkout Period* | Renewals** | Local Request Only | Maximum Checkout Limits |
Books | 3 Months | Yes; 2 Renewals Allowed | No | No Limit |
DVDs | 7 Days | Yes; 2 Renewals Allowed | Yes | No Limit |
Reserves | Set by faculty; 1 hour, 2 hours, 1 day, 2 days | Yes; If no other student is waiting for the materials | Yes | 1 Item or Set |
Music Scores | 1 month | Yes; 2 Renewals Allowed | Yes | No Limit |
Textbooks | 2 Hours | Yes; 2 Renewals Allowed | Yes | 1 Item or Set |
Reference | In-Library Use Only | No | Yes | No Limit |
* Items borrowed from other CARLI institutions typically have a checkout period of 28 days. This is determined by the lending institution.
**Items borrowed from other institutions will be renewed for an additional 28 days. Renewals are determined by the lending institution. Other institutions may recall materials at any time, not allowing renewals.
Item | Checkout Period* | Renewals** | Local Request Only | Maximum Checkout Limits |
Books | 4 Weeks | Yes; 2 Renewals Allowed | No | No Limit; 5 items for Alumni |
DVD | 7 Days | Yes; 2 Renewals Allowed | Yes | No Limit: 5 items for Alumni |
Reserves | Set by faculty; 1 hour, 2 hours, 1 day, 2 days | Yes; If no other student is waiting for the materials | Yes | 1 Item or Set: Active RU Students Only |
Music Scores | 1 month | Yes; 2 Renewals Allowed | Yes | No Limit; 5 Items for Alumni |
Textbooks | 2 Hours | Yes; 2 Renewals Allowed | Yes | 1 Item or Set: Active RU Students Only |
Reference | In-Library Use Only | No | Yes | No Limit |
* Items borrowed from other CARLI institutions typically have a checkout period of 28 days. This is determined by the lending institution.
**Items borrowed from other institutions will be renewed for an additional 28 days. Renewals are determined by the lending institution. Other institutions may recall materials at any time, not allowing renewals.
Item | Overdue Fines | Lost Item* | Maximum | Maximum Number of Item Overdue Before Blocked |
Book | $5.00 | $60.00 | $200.00 | 25 |
DVD | $5.00 | $60.00 | $200.00 | 25 |
Reserves | $1.00 per hour | $60.00 | $200.00 | 1 |
Music Scores | $5.00 | $60.00 | $200.00 | 25 |
Textbooks | $5.00 | $60.00 | $200.00 | 1 |
Reference | $5.00 | $60.00 | $200.00 | 1 |
*Library patrons may replace 藏精阁 lost items with the same item or newer edition. It is the responsibility of the library patron to contact lending institutions to determine fines, fees and possible replacements. Any account holds will not be waived until the item is received by the Library. CARLI institutions may charge an additional $20.00 processing fee, along with the lost item fees. Overdue items 29 days late are considered lost.
There are two level of holds on library patron accounts:
Level 1- CARLI Hold
Level 2 鈥 Institutional Hold
A CARLI hold is defined as a block on a patron鈥檚 account that prevents utilization of reciprocal institution borrowing privileges. A CARLI hold will be placed on a library account when a patron has a combined 25 items overdue or 1 item in the lost status. The library patron is responsible for any fines accumulated from other institutions.
An institutional hold is defined as a block on a patron鈥檚 藏精阁 Banner account. An institutional hold will be placed on a library account when a patron has a combined 25 items overdue or 1 item in the lost status. The library patron is responsible for any fines accumulated. As a courtesy, 藏精阁 will place an institutional hold on a local patron鈥檚 Banner account at the request of the lending institution. Library holds can only be removed when all fines are paid down to a maximum of $5.00, replacement copies are provided, or staff from other lending institutions inform the 藏精阁 Library that all fines and holds have been cleared from their institution.
Current 藏精阁 students, staff and faculty have interlibrary loan privileges. These privileges allow borrowing of materials from other institutions around the world that are not part of the CARLI consortium. All overdue fines and renewal privileges are determined by the lending institution and are charged to 藏精阁. Library patrons are responsible for all fines and fees at a maximum of $60 per title. Institutional holds will be placed on patron accounts until all fines and fees are paid. Replacement interlibrary loan titles are not accepted to remove any holds.
Updated January, 2008
Privacy is an essential element of intellectual and academic freedom. The 藏精阁 Library is committed to protecting the privacy of its users and maintaining the confidentiality of all information collected.
The library maintains records of personally identifiable information in order to conduct its business. Such records include circulation records, interlibrary loan records, emailed reference requests, and other records of uses of library materials, facilities, or services. It is our goal to gather only the minimum information necessary and to retain that information only as long as is needed to complete the transaction.
Confidentiality will be maintained for all personal data acquired by the Library as required by the Illinois . The Library will also comply with the Confidentiality Policy of 藏精阁 as well as the privacy requirements of the federal (FERPA).
The Library subscribes to the . Section III of the Code of Ethics states:
We protect each library user's right to privacy and confidentiality with respect to information sought or received and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted.
The library Web site links out to other sites and services that are not contained or controlled within the University's computer systems. As the practices of these sites are not controlled by the library, users must read the privacy statements at these sites to learn of their privacy practices.
This policy will be reviewed on a regular basis and updated as needed.